सामान्य ज्ञान का खजाना


English Grammar @ Word Substitution

**     English Grammar @ Word Substitution 

Anarchist: One who promotes revolt against government.

Convalescent: One who is recovering from illness.

Omnipotent: One who is all powerful.

Omnipresent: One who is present everywhere.

Omniscient: One who knows everything.

Gullible: One who can easily be deceived/cheated.

Infallible: One who does not make mistakes.

Mercenary: One who can do anything for money.

Pauper: One who has no money.

Volunteer: One who works for free.

Bibliophile: One who loves books.

Bilingual: One who can speak two languages.

Philanthropist: One who loves mankind.

Misanthrope: One who hates mankind.

Optimist: One who looks on the bright side of things.

Pessimist: One who looks on the dark side of things.

Agnostic: One who doubts the existence of god.

Hypocrite: One who pretends to be what he is not.

Misogynist: One who hates women.

Egoist: One who thinks only of himself.

Stoic: One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.

Eccentric: One who has strange or irregular habits.

Pedestrian: One who goes on foot.

Democracy: A Government by the people.

Monarchy: A Government by a king or queen.

Bureaucracy: A Government by the officials.

Plutocracy: A Government by the rich.

Oligarchy: A Government by the few.

Aristocracy: A Government by the Nobles.

Archaeology: A study of ancient things.

Ornithology: A study of birds.

Neophyte: One who is a newcomer.

Immigrant: One who lives in a foreign country.

Cynic: One who questions everything.

Biography: A life history written by somebody else.

Autobiography: A life history written by oneself.

Posthumous child: A child born after his father's death.

Contemporaries: People living at the same time.

Inevitable: That which cannot be avoided.

Incorrigible: That cannot be corrected.

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