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24 April @ Today's Current Affairs For SSC Exam, SBI Exam, RRB Exam, UPSC Exam.

➡➡   24 April @ Today's Current Affairs For SSC Exam, SBI Exam, RRB Exam, UPSC Exam.

1. On conclusion of which conference of WTO did the new Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) that contains provisions for expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods was put forward? - 2013 Bali Ministerial Conference

2. Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta signed an anti doping law in a move aimed at helping the country avoid sanctions from agency? - World Anti-Doping Agency

3. What is the name of the campaign that is led by The Climate Group to promote energy production? - EP100

4. Which international non-profit group led the EP100 campaign which is aimed to increase the energy production? - The Climate Group

5. Which is the historic agreement that Union government signed along with other 174 nations in New York on 22 April 2016? - Paris climate agreement

6. Who hosted the high-level ceremony at New York for the historic Paris climate agreement 2016 that was signed by 175 Countries? - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

7. What was the previous agreement that was ratified by as many as 119 countries on a single before Paris climate agreement 2016? - Law of the Sea Convention

8. Who among the following is not in the six eminent personalities that President Pranab Mukherjee nominated to Rajya Sabha on 22 April 2016? - Anupam Kher

9. Identify the Malayali actor who was nominated for Rajya Sabha by the President of India on 22 April 2016. - Suresh Gopi

10. Identify the bollywood actress who bagged the best actress in an international narrative feature honour at Tribeca Film Festival 2016 on 22 April 2015. - Radhika Apte

11. Identify the country that successfully tested the flight of the first stealth fighter jet on 22 April 2016? - Japan

12. Which are the four countries that are internationally recognised as having successfully developed and flown manned stealth jets? - Japan, USA, Russia &China

13. Union government constituted the inter-ministerial panel on 22 April 2016 to prepare a blueprint for doubling farmers' income by which year? - 2022

Unseen @ English Comprehension For CTET, SSC, RRB, UPSC, IBPS Exam

••   Unseen @ English Comprehension

**  In All Competitive Exam, We Generally Find English Portion, In This Portion it's Following Grammar, Verb, Noun, Synonym, Preposition, Comprehensive Paragraph.  CTET, SSC, RRB, UPSC, IBPS Exam.

**   Here You Can Find Some Unseen English Paragraph with answers which is From different Boards Text book

➡➡  My next pet was a pigeon, the most revolting bird to look at, with his feathers pushing through the wrinkled scarlet skin, mixed with the horrible yellow down that covers baby pigeons and makes them look as though they have been peroxiding their hair.
       Because of his repulsive and obese appearance, we called him Quasimodo.
Since he had an unorthodox upbringing, without parents to teach him, Quasimodo became convinced that he was not a bird at all, and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always eager to join us in anything we did.
      He would even try to come for walks with us. So you had to either carry him on your shoulder, which was risking an accident to your clothes, or else you let him walk behind. If you let him walk, then you had to slow down your own pace to suit his, for should you get too far ahead you would hear the most frantic and imploring coos and turn around to find Quasimodo running desperately after you.

Q1. Read the questions given below & write the option you consider the most appropriate.

1. The narrator describes the pigeon as a ‘revolting bird’ because
a)      he could not fly
b)      he had to be carried everywhere
c)      he had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers
d)     he was fat

2. Quasimodo got his name because
a)      he was a fat and ugly
b)      he was attractive
c)      he could not fly
d)     he love behaving like human beings

3. We know that Quasimodo was always eager to go on walks because
a)      he walked everywhere
b)      he did not know how to fly
c)      he complained loudly if he was not taken along
d)     he always copied whatever humans did

4. Quasimodo protested when he was
a)      left at home
b)      lifted on human shoulders
c)      taken for a walk
d)     left behind during walks

5. The phrase ‘risking an accident to your clothes’ means
a)      the bird pecked at their clothes
b)      there was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes
c)      the bird risked a fall
d)     the bird did not like their clothes

➡➡   Answers:

1.     (c) it had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers

2.      (a) he was a fat and ugly

3.      (c) he complained loudly if he was not taken along

4.      (d) left behind during walks

5.      (b) there was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes

Current G.K. Mind It Points @ Presence List of Chief Justices of High Courts - Usefull For All Competitive Exam

••     Current G.K. Mind It Points @ Presence List of Chief Justices of High Courts - Usefull For All Competitive Exam

Allahabad - Dr. Dhananjay Y. Chandrachud

Andhra Pradesh - D. B. Bhosale

Bombay - Mohit S. Shah

Calcutta -  Manjula Chellur

Chhattisgarh - Navin Sinha

Delhi - Gorla Rohini

Gujarat - VM Sahai

Guwahati - K. Sridhar Rao

Himachal Pradesh - Mansoor Ahmad Mir

Jammu - Kashmir - NNP Vasantha Kumar

Jharkhand - Virendra Singh

Karnataka - Subhro Kamal Mukerjee

Kerala - Ashok Bhusan

Madhya Pradesh - Ajay Manikrao Kanwikar

Madras - Sanjoy Kishan Kaul

Manipur - L K Mahapatra

Meghalaya - Umanath Singh

Orissa -  Dhirendra Hiralal Waghela

Patna - L Narsimha Reddy

Punjab & Haryana - S J Vazifdar

Rajasthan - Sunil Ambwani

Sikkim - Sunil Kumar Sinha

Tripura - Deepak Gupta

Uttarakhand - K M Joseph

Anand @ Circular Subject : Vidyasahayaka Bharati (Std 6 to 8) Year 2016-17 Mate Managani Patrak Mokali Aapva Babat

••   Anand District

@ Circular Subject : Vidyasahayaka Bharati (Std 6 to 8) Year 2016-17 Mate Managani Patrak Mokali Aapva Babat

Kutch @ Circular Subject : Gram Uday Thi Bharat Uday Karykram Antargat Mananya Pradhanmantri Nu Udbodhan Nihalva Babat

••   Kutch District

@ Circular Subject : Gram Uday Thi Bharat Uday Karykram Antargat Mananya Pradhanmantri Nu Udbodhan Nihalva Babat

Porbandar @ Circular Subject : Primary School Ma Abhyas Karta Balakona Aadhar Card Kadhava Babat

••    Porbandar @

Circular Subject : Primary School Ma Abhyas Karta Balakona Aadhar Card Kadhava Babat 

English Grammar @ Plurals with Different Meanings

**    Plurals with Different Meanings

√ Hues
√ Regiment (unit of army)

2. Compasses:
√ Magnetic compasses used for navigation
√ Instruments used in geometry

3. Customs:
√ habits (e.g. Farmers of Punjab have customs to celebrate Baisakhi.)
√ duties or taxes levied on imports (You have to pay heavy customs duty if you import diamonds).

4. Draughts:
√ A checker game
√ Currents of air

5. Effects:
√ Results
√ Goods or personal property.

6. Forces:
√ powers (e.g. The forces of nature)
√ Organised group of men (e.g. police forces, armed forces.)

7. Glasses:
√ Glasses (vessels) for drinking water
√ Spectacles

8. Grounds:
√ land (e.g. play ground)
√ reasons (e.g. You have no moral grounds to complain.)

9. Letters:
√ alphabets
√ literature, epistles

10. Manners:
√ methods, ways, customs
√ behaviour

11. Minutes:
√ Spaces of time
√ recording of a meeting.

12. Quarters:
√ Fourth parts (usually used with currency coins)
√ lodgings. (Ex. S.t. Nagar is a colony of government quarters.)

13. Spirits:
√ souls
√ liquor
√ moral attitude (e.g. in high spirits).

English Grammar @ Word Substitution

**     English Grammar @ Word Substitution 

Anarchist: One who promotes revolt against government.

Convalescent: One who is recovering from illness.

Omnipotent: One who is all powerful.

Omnipresent: One who is present everywhere.

Omniscient: One who knows everything.

Gullible: One who can easily be deceived/cheated.

Infallible: One who does not make mistakes.

Mercenary: One who can do anything for money.

Pauper: One who has no money.

Volunteer: One who works for free.

Bibliophile: One who loves books.

Bilingual: One who can speak two languages.

Philanthropist: One who loves mankind.

Misanthrope: One who hates mankind.

Optimist: One who looks on the bright side of things.

Pessimist: One who looks on the dark side of things.

Agnostic: One who doubts the existence of god.

Hypocrite: One who pretends to be what he is not.

Misogynist: One who hates women.

Egoist: One who thinks only of himself.

Stoic: One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.

Eccentric: One who has strange or irregular habits.

Pedestrian: One who goes on foot.

Democracy: A Government by the people.

Monarchy: A Government by a king or queen.

Bureaucracy: A Government by the officials.

Plutocracy: A Government by the rich.

Oligarchy: A Government by the few.

Aristocracy: A Government by the Nobles.

Archaeology: A study of ancient things.

Ornithology: A study of birds.

Neophyte: One who is a newcomer.

Immigrant: One who lives in a foreign country.

Cynic: One who questions everything.

Biography: A life history written by somebody else.

Autobiography: A life history written by oneself.

Posthumous child: A child born after his father's death.

Contemporaries: People living at the same time.

Inevitable: That which cannot be avoided.

Incorrigible: That cannot be corrected.

English Grammar @ Idioms

**     English Grammar @ Idioms

❶. at first sight
(meaning: immediately)
It was nothing special about him at first sight.

❷. on second thought
(meaning: reconsider something)
I was going to buy a new car. On second thought, I decided to buy an old one.

❸. second to none
(meaning: better than anything)
The music store is second to none. Here you get everything from classical to Jazz.

❹. sixth sense
(meaning: strong intuition)
Sasha has sixth sense for movies. She knows what will happen next in the scene.

❺. forty winks
(meaning: a short snap)
I usually take forty winks after supper on weekends.

❻. in seventh heaven
(meaning: in very happy state).
Roma is in seventh heaven one she learns her marriage has been fixed.

❼. on cloud nine
(meaning: very happy)
He just bought a new sports car, he is on cloud nine.

❽. to put two and two together
(meaning: to guess something from the information available)
Manish did not tell his parents that his wife had left. But, from untidy house they put two and two together.

❾. third degree
(meaning: interrogation along with extreme torture to confess or extract some information)
Poor chap died at the police lockup after the third degree.