सामान्य ज्ञान का खजाना


English Grammar @ Word Substitution 2 For SSC Exam, IBPS Exam, UPSC Exam, CGL Exam And All Competitive Exam

••    English Grammar @ Word Substitution For SSC Exam, IBPS Exam, UPSC Exam, CGL Exam And All Competitive Exam.


1. One who is out to subvert a government: Anarchist
2. One who is recovering from illness: Convalescent
3. One who is all powerful: Omnipotent
4. One who is present everywhere: Omnipresent
5. One who knows everything: Omniscient
6. One who is easily deceived: Gullible
7. One who does not make mistakes: Infallible
8. One who can do anything for money: Mercenary
9. One who has no money: Pauper
10. One who changes sides: Turncoat
11. One who works for free: Volunteer
12. One who loves books: Bibliophile
13. One who can speak two languages: Bilingual
14. One who loves mankind: Philanthropist
15. One who hates mankind: Misanthrope
16. One who looks on the bright side of things: Optimist
17. One who looks on the dark side of things: Pessimist
18. One who doubts the existence of god: Agnostic
19. One who pretends to be what he is not: Hypocrite
20. One incapable of being tired: Indefatigable
21. One who helps others Good: Samaritan
22. One who copies from other: writers Plagiarist
23. One who hates women: Misogynist
24. One who knows many languages: Polyglot
25. One who is fond of sensuous pleasures: Epicure
26. One who thinks only of himself: Egoist
27. One who thinks only of welfare of women: Feminist.
28. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain: Stoic
29. One who is quite like a woman: Effeminate
30. One who has strange habits: Eccentric
31. One who speaks less: Reticent
32. One who goes on foot: Pedestrian
33. One who believes in fate: Fatalist
34. One who dies without a Will: Intestate
35. One who always thinks himself to be ill: Valetudinarian
36. A Government by the people: Democracy
37. A Government by a king or queen: Monarchy
38. A Government by the officials: Bureaucracy
39. A Government by the rich: Plutocracy
40. A Government by the few: Oligarchy

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